sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

Puerto escondido

Puerto escondido, cuna de las playas más hermosas de México, está ubicado en la costa del estado de Oaxaca. Sin duda, estas playas poseen grandes atractivos turísticos que no se deben pasar por alto. Entre ellos, las olas gigantes de Zicatela, visitadas especialmente por surfistas expertos, la playa de Mazunte, que alberga un centro mexicano de la tortuga y, por supuesto, la playa principal, en donde se lleva a cabo el torneo de pesca anual. Son playas calidas y virgenes, en donde el tiempo se congela en el horizonte. Un lugar sin pretensiones, con gente nativa noble y hospitalaría, siempre dispuesta a recibirte en sus casas y en sus corazones. Sin duda, un Puerto Escondido que sólo aquellos que gusten de lo simple, la reflexión y el silencio, podrán encontrar.

Puerto Escondido, cradle of the most beautiful beaches of Mexico, is located on the coast of Oaxaca state. Undoubtedly, these beaches have a great tourist attractions that should not be overlooked. Among them, the giant waves of Zicatela, especially visited by expert surfers, beach Mazunte, which houses a center of Mexican Turtle and, of course, the central beach, where he conducts the annual fishing tournament. They are warm beaches and virgins, where time is frozen on the horizon. An unpretentious, with native people kind and hospitals, always ready to receiving in their homes and hearts. Undoubtedly, a Puerto Escondido that only those who enjoy the simple reflection and silence, they may find.

terça-feira, 15 de abril de 2008


México se localiza en la parte norte del continente americano. Limita al norte con Estados Unidos, al sur con Guatemala y Belice; al este con el Golfo de México y al oeste con el Océano Pacífico; y cuenta con una extensión territorial de 1´964,375 Km. Gracias a la riqueza natural de sus 32 estados, México cuenta con una gran variedad de climas, desde áridos desiertos, manglares, pantanos y selvas, hasta hermosas playas de aguas color turquesa. Sus bellas ciudades están llenas de fiesta, gastronomía, color, historia y cultura. Sin duda, México es un lugar lleno de mitos y tradiciones que hay que vivir.

Mexico is located on the North American continent. Bordered on the north by the United States, on the south by Guatemala and Belize, on the east by the Gulf of Mexico and on the west by the Pacific Ocean and has a territorial extension 1'964375 Km. Thanks to the natural wealth of its 32 states, Mexico has a wide variety of climates, from arid deserts, mangroves, swamps and jungles, even beautiful beaches of turquoise waters. Its cities are full of festivity, food, colour, history and culture. Certainly, Mexico is a place full of myths and traditions that must be live.

sexta-feira, 11 de abril de 2008

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008

Translation of the post बेलो

hello to all, first of all I want to thank the words of my dear friend Diana which I return and I hope it is this magic that knife with which this blog join many more people and cultures. For my first post as not cease to be I could show you my country, (PORTUGAL) in which also do not live for the moment but it always take me, and a soul and heart.Portugal to Country sea planted where the future and history come together to give us a gift that will always be remembered। A place where the sun shines all year, where the stars of the evening sun in the morning in the force for the steps that each of future.Em river carries on the culture, history and tradition of each region. The wine is mixed with fado and the beach with the night. Do the sun fun, the history of culture, saw the sea will discover portugal! Promise since ja vous will bring every week fantastic sites worth taken visit


ola a todos, antes de mais quero agradecer as palavras da minha querida amiga Diana as quais eu retribuo e espero que seja essa magia que faca com que este blog junte muitas mais pessoas e culturas.Para o meu primeiro post como nao poderia deixar de ser vou vos mostrar o meu paìs,(PORTUGAL)no qual tambem nao vivo de momento mas que levo sempre comigo de alma e coracao.Portugal e um pais a beira mar plantado onde o futuro e a historia se juntam para nos dar um presente que sempre se vai recordar.um lugar onde o sol brilha todo ano, onde as estrelas da noite e sol da manha nos da forca para as etapas do futuro.Em que cada rio nos transporta a cultura, historia e tradicao de cada regiao.o vinho se mistura com o fado e a praia com a noite.Do sol a diversao, da historia a cultura, da serra ao mar venha descobrir portugal!prometo desde ja vous irei trazer todas as semanas sitios fantasticos que vale apena vesitar

Translation of post below (the magic of the net)

Being without going to know without seeing, feeling untouched. The digital world that touches us and surprise us once in a while presenting new realities under distant shadows. This is my new relationship with a country and a distant person. The fate of the "net" gave me a chance to know them and, to my surprise, physical barriers have not been deeply impediment to the two. El Pais is magical, small and friendly. Full of pace and beautiful people. Portugal full of emotion my reality to hear their accent fados and graced their language. Everything in it seems to be full of history and gloss. But undoubtedly the light of the environment that perceive it is thanks to the interest of my friend reveal the charm of their country. Almost every day shows me new corners of their lives and interests that arise from their world. The thrill of knowing something new to me as far opens the way to original ideas and thoughts about my own environment. Now, after many days of chatting, we think it desirable to share the magic of this union that I hope will last a long time

quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2008

La magia de la NET

Estar sin ir, conocer sin ver, sentir sin tocar. El mundo digital que nos acaricia y nos sorprende de vez en cuando presentándonos realidades nuevas bajo sombras distantes. Así es mi nueva relación con un país y una persona lejana. La suerte de la “net” me dio la oportunidad de conocerlos y, para mi sorpresa, las barreras físicas no han sido impedimento para encariñarme profundamente de los dos. El País es mágico, pequeño y acogedor. Lleno de ritmo y gente linda. Portugal llena de emoción mi realidad al escuchar sus fados y el agraciado acento de su idioma. Todo en él parece estar lleno de historia y brillo. Pero, sin duda, la luz del ambiente que percibo es gracias al interés de mi amigo por revelarme el encanto de su país. Casi a diario me muestra rincones nuevos de su vida y los intereses que surgen de su mundo. La emoción de conocer algo nuevo entando tan lejos me abre el camino a originales ideas y reflexiones sobre mi propio entorno. Ahora, luego de muchos días de platicas, creemos conveniente compartir la magia de esta unión que espero dure mucho tiempo.